
You Are MoreThanJy Is MeerAs

Welcome to MoreThanMeerAs

Communities are the essence of society, woven together by shared experiences, dreams, and challenges. Yet, in today’s world, the fabric of communities is fraying, leaving individuals, families, and broader society feeling disconnected and disempowered.

It is in these moments of fragmentation that the work of visionaries like Andri Eloff, a retired minister, Louine Griessel, a social worker, and Louise Fouche, an occupational therapist, shines brightly. Together, they have dedicated their lives’ missions to working with communities, restoring dignity, wholeness, and ensuring that communities thrive through the impactful work of their organisation, MoreThanMeerAs.

At MoreThanMeerAs, we believe in healing through connection.

Our mission is to foster meaningful interactions that restore and strengthen the bonds within communities, enabling individuals to feel valued, supported, and empowered.

Our Services


Building Cohesion and Enhancing Performance

Community Support

Transforming Communities Together

Couples Support

A Journey Towards Wholeness

Individual Support

A Personal Journey to True Freedom

Empowering Our Youth

Building a Brighter Future for Our Young People

Recent Blogs

MoreThan a Newsletter – April Edition

Read our newsletter sent in April as we continue to embrace transformation for the remainder of 2024. Through continuous reflection, our determination to realise the vision and focus of our organisation, MoreThanMeerAs, has grown stronger. We are deeply committed to enhancing mental well-being, not just within communities but also for individuals, couples, and teams in businesses.

Our Current and Ongoing Projects


Touws River-MoreThan Programme

Worcester MoreThan Homelessness Programme

Join us in our journey to create vibrant, resilient communities through connection and care

For more information on the benefits of partnering with MoreThanMeerAs and how to get involved, please contact us at admin@morethanmeeras.co.za.

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