Touws River

MoreThan Programme

From October 2019 to December 2022, and still ongoing, MoreThanMeerAs, in collaboration with Breede Valley APD and the DG Murray Trust, embarked on an exciting journey – the MoreThanMeerAs Community Innovation Pilot Project in Touws River.

The project aimed at empowering individuals, organisations, and the local community by fostering social cohesion, promoting inclusion, and enhancing overall quality of life.  For the 34 community members of Touws River who participated since 2020, this initiative has been transformative.  Through the MoreThan group process, which emphasises healing, dreaming, and innovation, participants developed essential social and interpersonal skills.

Rediscovering one’s true identity

MoreThanMeerAs, a trusted training partner of Breede Valley APD, invited the Touws River community to rediscover their true identities beyond their circumstances and differences.  Safe spaces were created for healing, restoring hope, and inspiring innovative action in all relationships.

The Process

The project involved participants from the local community, organised into four groups: ToBe, NewBeginnings, SaamStaan, and DreamMachine.  These groups underwent a 4-day interactive MoreThan group process, followed by a 3-month creative phase facilitated by a MT occupational therapist.

The entire process unfolded over a 15-month period, starting in October 2021 and culminating in a celebratory event in January 2023.  The pilot’s outcomes were remarkable, showcasing increased personal wellbeing among participants, proactive mental wellbeing at community level, life-changing decisions made by participants, and spontaneous acts of kindness.  Notably, the project identified MoreThan Champions who are individuals who continue to inspire others in Touws River to join the ongoing MoreThan journey.  Following the success of this phase, a sixth MoreThan group is scheduled to commence in June 2024.

Other Projects


Worcester MoreThan
Homelessness Programme

Join Us in Making a Difference!

Partnering with MoreThanMeerAs is more than just a collaboration; it’s a commitment to building stronger, healthier communities.  Together, we can address personal challenges, foster social cohesion, and create environments where everyone can thrive.  

For more information on the benefits of partnering with MoreThanMeerAs and how to get involved, please contact us at